This page describes how this website is funded and the steps we take to ensure this doesn’t detract from our editorial approach.
How we make money
At Pixel Privacy we’re passionate about privacy and security but we’re also a business with costs to pay and bank managers to keep happy! We generate income through a form of advertising known as affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing allows us to receive a referral fee from some of the products featured on this website should you click a link that takes you to a third party site where you go on to make a purchase. This doesn’t cost you any more than buying the product directly from the advertiser and helps support our work. Sometimes we are offered discounted prices for our readers and buying via a link on this site can be cheaper than purchasing directly.
How do you balance this with editorial integrity?
If you are wondering how a site that reviews products can balance editorial with commercial interests it’s a valid question. Here’s how:
- We only recommend products we would be happy to spend our own money on.
- Our editorial team works separately to our advertising manager. Once content has been produced and the editorial process is complete, we then look to add affiliate links where these are available.
- We don’t just link to products we have an advertiser relationship with.
- We look for the best deal available for products we list so purchasing through an advertiser or affiliate link shouldn’t cost you any more than going direct.
- We don’t accept payment for reviews.
- We are open to reader feedback; if a product we recommend receives consistent and genuine poor feedback we’ll reconsider recommending it.
Pixel Privacy is owned and operated by Comparitech Limited which in turn is part of the Pango group. Pango and its ultimate parent company, WC SACD Holdings Inc. own a number of identity theft protection, VPN, and other cyber security products. Comparitech Limited (and by extension Pixel Privacy) operates independently of Pango and with full editorial control. We apply the same objective review process to Pango products or products competitive to Pango products that are used to assess any other product we review.